Are you struggling in your relationship with a non-addicted family member? Fall-out from the effects of the family disease of addiction can cause stress and strain on other important family relationships. This program is being offered as a support and resource to help adults develop new strategies to heal and rebuild troubled relationships. The program format will include various options throughout the year in which to learn, including multi-media and book studies, professionally led workshops, guided discussions, and a comprehensive resource list. This program will be further developed based on the needs and feedback of interested participants.
"In order to heal the Fruit, we must first heal the Root "
To learn more about this program to see if it's a good fit for you, contact
Heal your past hurts to build a healthier, more loving relationship with yourself and your loved ones.
This 10-week experiential book study guides the reader to accept, rather than suppress difficult feelings.
Facilitated by Lynn Ménard-Kim, MFA, graduate intern in Clinical Psychology and Counseling.
We will be reading and discussing Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them by Tina Gilbertson. Participants are responsible for obtaining their own copy.
A specialized 10-week program to help parents who have been cut off from or rejected by their adult children.
We will provide attendees with the Helping Parents Heal participant guide. Developed by Joshua Coleman, Ph.D., author of Rules of Estrangement: Why Adult Children Cut Ties and How to Heal the Conflict.
The study will be facilitated by OASIS CFRS staff and will include guided discussions. Additional details on Program Flyer.
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL)
SMART Recovery Family & Friends
THRIVE Family Recovery Resources - Online Meetings
Hazelden Weekly Virtual Family Support Groups - FREE
Hazelden Betty Ford's virtual services offer weekly online support group sessions featuring a rotating series of family-focused topics and addiction recovery-related discussions. Registration required. Support for Families of Addicts | Family Program | Hazelden Betty Ford
Celebrate Recovery (12-step)
Overcomers Outreach (12-step)
Prayer and Share Together: Non-denominational Women‘s Support Group for Emotional Wholeness (meets 2nd Tuesday monthly, 7:00-8:30 pm, via Zoom. Contact or call 610-395-8756.)
St. Luke’s Hospice Grief support
Lehigh Valley Health Network Grief support
Virtual Young Adult Grief Support Group (Highmark)
SUD Grief Support Groups throughout Pennsylvania:
Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Groups:
Lehigh Valley Health Network
2545 Schoenersville Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18017
(484) 330-0912
Contact Person: Marie Bartos
Meets first Tuesday of each month 7:00-8:00pm
First Presbyterian Church of Allentown - Room118
3231 West Tilghman St.
Allentown, PA 18101
Contact Person: Mary Youtz
Meets third Thursday of the month 7:00-8:30pm
Center for Humanistic Change
Center for Motivation and Change
Drug Free America Foundation, Inc.
Foundation for a Drug-Free World
Hazeldon Betty Ford Foundation
Love the Kid, Hate the Disease... Lessons Learned from a Dad
National Association for Children of Addiction (NACoA)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Partnership to End Addiction -- Visit their Helpline for one-on-one help
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Youth Crisis Line 1-800-448-4663
Sesame Street - videos & resources on addiction
Hazeldon Betty Ford Foundation - children’s program
National Association for Children of Addiction (NACoA)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA)
Help for Children of Addicted Parents | Hazelden Betty Ford - free virtual support and education
Addiction Resources for Families | Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - free activities and books
Addiction Treatment Locator And Standards (ATLAS)
Community Based Organizations (CBOs) & Resources:
DDAP Licensed Recovery Housing Locator
SMART Recovery Teen & Youth Support Program
REACH LV (teen recovery center, Emmaus, PA)
Northampton County Community College Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP)
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention - Drug-Free Communities
Foundation for a Drug-Free World
Get Smart About Drugs - Drugs and Your Family
Hazeldon Betty Ford Foundation - Teen Intervene Program
Partnership to End Addiction - Prevention & Early Action
Song for Charlie - What Are Fentapills? Real Talk About Fake Pills
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency - Drugs of Abuse
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:
National Institute on Drug Abuse:
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):
Substance Use Prevention Education (SUPE)
By attending Alanon, NarAnon, Families Anonymous, CoDA, ACA, Celebrate Recovery and other 12 step meetings on a regular basis, families affected by addiction learn to change their attitudes and old patterns and habits to find serenity and even happiness. Here are a few highlights of family recovery:
According to the National Association for Children of Alcoholics, the 7 C’s of addiction can serve as a useful framework for helping children understand a parent’s substance abuse problem and how it affects their own lives:
I didn’t cause it.
I can’t cure it.
I can’t control it.
I can care for myself
By communicating my feelings,
Making healthy choices, and
By celebrating myself.
Pennsylvania Get Help Now Hotline is a confidential hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to all Pennsylvanians in both English and Spanish. It is staffed by trained professionals who can connect you directly to local treatment and resources. If you prefer, there is a chat option on the DDAP website as well as a texting option at 717-216-0905.
If you, or someone you care about is having a problem with drugs or alcohol and lives in Northampton County, PA there are several basic ways to get help:
No cost drug and alcohol assessments and Case Management services are available to any resident in need. Please ccall 610-829-HELP and you will be connected with an assessor.
Northampton County Information, Referral and Emergency Services Department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for mental health crises.
For Mental Health Crisis Call: 610-252-9060
If you, or someone you care about is having a problem with drugs or alcohol and lives in Lehigh County, PA there are several basic ways to get help: No cost drug and alcohol assessments and Case Management services are available to any resident in need.
Please contact Lehigh County Drug and Alcohol Division at (610) 782-3200 to schedule an assessment, or contact any of the providers listed for an assessment:
State-wide mental health support line that is available toll-free, 24/7. Set up as part of Pennsylvania's COVID-19 response.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - available 24/7 - free and confidential.
Find a Drug Take-Back Location: Help keep your community and loved ones safe by discarding old, unwanted, or unused prescription medication.
Receive free drug-disposal kits from staff at OASIS Community Center
FREE NARCAN AVAILABLE AT OASIS! Contact us to pick up… .Additionally available through:
OASIS Community Center
3410 Bath Pike Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017 US